Getting started with SmartCode VNC Deployment Wizard

The VNC Deployment Wizard

SmartCode VNC Manager includes the VNC Deployment Wizard that can be used for remote VNC deployment. No other VNC deployment solution offer such advanced features as ours. The Wizard supports deployment of the latest versions of UltraVNC, RealVNC and TightVNC.

Prerequisites: Before using the VNC Deployment Wizard, please make certain that your client and the remote computers meet all of the prerequisites described in "Prerequisites" KB article.

To start the VNC Deployment Wizard open a context menu on the registered computers list and select VNC Tasks -> VNC Deployment Wizard command (Ctrl+D shortcut).

The numbered items apply to the numbers shown in the pictures at right.

Page 1: Select Deployment Job

  1. Allows you to start a new deployment job or reuse a previously saved one.
  2. Contains list of previously saved deployment jobs.
  3. This setting as well as the setting 4 will be enabled if "User previously saved VNC server deployment job" settings is selected.  If the "Skip..." checkbox is checked clicking on the Next button will skip the Deployment Wizard job settings page and bring you straight to the "Ready to Start VNC Deployment" page.
  4. When you save a VNC deployment job the list of target computers is stored with the job. You have the options to reuse the same computer addresses or start with a new list. In this case the target computers list will be pre-initialized with the list of addresses of the computers selected in the registered computers list.

Page 2: Select Task

This allows to specify tasks that you want to execute. At least one of the tasks must be selected.

  1. Place checkmarks next to the VNC distributions that you want to uninstall. Original VNC distributions are prefixed with "Native" text and VNC distributions deployed by the VNC Deployment Wizard are prefixed with "SmartCode".
  2. Select a VNC distribution that you want to deploy to a remote computer from the combobox.
  3. The "Upload custom registry entries" task allows you to create user-defined registry keys or values on a remote computer. This could be useful when you need further fine-tune VNC deployment process and customize VNC server settings that are not available via the Wizard configuration pages.

Page 3: Select VNC Deployment Components

This page allows you to specify which VNC components should be deployed. This page appears only if you selected to deploy a VNC distribution on the previous Wizard page.

  1. Allows you to specify the installation folder. You can choose to the "absolute path" or let the Wizard to automatically determine the installation folder for you.
  2. Allows you to specify which VNC components should be installed. The options that are grayed out are only available when you are deploying UltraVNC distribution.
  3. These are setting that could be used to troubleshoot failed VNC deployment.
    "Create log file during deployment" - will create MSI log file on a remote computer.
    "Skip the post-installation validation step" - when this option is checked the VNC Deployment Wizard will run a WMI query that checks if the MSI package that has been deployed is actually listed in the Add/Remove programs list. Absence of the MSI package from this list is a sign that the deployment has failed.

Page 4: VNC Server Configuration

This page allows you to specify the VNC server settings. Depending on the VNC distribution being deployed you will see settings supported by the particular VNC server software.

Page 5: VNC Server Firewall Settings

This page allows you to configure firewalls rules that will be created on a remote computer during VNC server installation.

  1. Allows you to specify which firewall rules should be created.
    "Create a rule that controls connection for a TCP port" will open a single port in the remote computer firewall. It will use the port number that was specified on the VNC server settings configuration page.
    "Create a rule that controls connection for the VNC server executable file" will create a program exception rule that will allow [INSTALLDIR]\winvnc.exe process to receive incoming connections.
  2. The profile checkbox allow to specify for which network profiles the firewall rule should be enabled. This feature is supported on a computer with Windows Vista or new OS installed.
  3. If this checkbox is checked the firewall rules that were created by the Wizard will be deleted during VNC package uninstallation.

Page 6: Upload Custom Registry Values

This page allows you to specify registry keys and values that will be created on a remote computer. You can run this task as part of the VNC deployment or as stand-alone task when you need to upload a registry entries to a multiple computers. Alternatively you can use SmartCode Registry Editor that is part of the VNC Manager toolset that offers more advanced registry uploading features.

  1. The Destination Registry via shows list of the registry keys and values that will be created on a remote computer.
  2. The Connected Registry view allows you to connect to a remote computer and browse its registry. You can also use the "Add to Destination Registry" command to copy values from the Connected Registry to the Destination Registry view. This offer an easy way to copy registry settings from one computer to another without any need to use import to and export from a .reg file.

Page 7: Enter Target Computers Addresses

This page allows you to specify to specify the computers on which the Wizard should execute its tasks.

  1. You must enter administrative logon credentials that will be used to login to a remote computer.
  2. You must provide a name for a shared that can be used to upload VNC installation package. The Wizard will use the user credentials 1) to open this network share.

Page 7: Completing the VNC Deployment Wizard

This page allows you to specify to specify the computers on which the Wizard should execute its tasks.

  1. This list shows list of the deployment jobs statuses.
  2. Click on the Details or the Show Log buttons to see more detailed information.
  3. Check the "Save this deployment job" checkbox and type a new name if you want this deployment job to be saved.

APPLIES TO: SmartCode VNC Manager (Enterprise Edition) v5.0.16.0 or newer