Remote Desktop Services Sessions Manager
In this article
Disconnect a User from a Session
Log Off a User from a Session
Send a Message to a User
Remote Desktop Services Sessions Manager

Remote Desktop Services Sessions Manager allows you to view information about and manage sessions running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server.

SmartCode Remote Desktop Services Sessions Manager
There are three sessions that you will always see displayed in Remote Desktop Services Sessions Manager:
  • Services - the session that contains various system processes on the RD Session Host server.
  • Listener - the session that listens for and accepts new Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client connections, thereby creating new sessions on the RD Session Host server.
  • Console - the session that you connect to if you log on to the physical console of the computer, instead of connecting remotely.

The following is a list of the columns that are listed on the sessions list and a description of what information will be displayed in each column.

Column Description
Server The RD Session Host server with which the session is associated.
Session The session running on the RD Session Host server.
User The user account that is associated with the session.
ID The numeric ID that identifies the session to the RD Session Host server.
State The status of a session. For more information, see Session states.
Client Name The name of the client computer using the session, if applicable.
Client Address The IP address reported by the client. Note that this is not guaranteed to be the client's actual, remote IP address -- if the client is behind a router with NAT, for example, the IP address reported will be the client's internal IP address on its LAN.
Client Directory Directory on the client computer in which the client software is installed. This is typically the full path to the RDP ActiveX control DLL on the client machine; e.g. C:\Windows\System32\mstscax.dll
Client Display Information about a client's display.
Client Build The build number of the client. Note that this does not include the major version, minor version, or revision number -- it is only the build number. For example, the full file version of the RDP 6 client on Windows XP is 6.0.6001.18000, so this property will return 6001 for this client.
Current Time The current time in the session. May be empty, e.g. for a listening session.
Connect Time The time at which the user connected to this session. May be empty, e.g. for a listening session.
Disconnect Time The time at which the user disconnected from this session. May be empty, e.g. if the user has never disconnected from the session.
Last Input The time at which this session last received input - mouse movements, key presses, etc. May be empty, e.g. for a listening session that receives no user input.
Logon Time The time at which the user logged into this session for the first time. May be empty, e.g. for a listening session.
Initial Program The initial program run when the session started.
Application Name Name of the published application that this session is running.
Session states

The following is a list of session states that might be displayed in the State column and a description of each state.

Column Description
Active The session is connected, and a user is logged on to the RD Session Host server.
Connected The session is connected, but there is no user logged on to the RD Session Host server.
ConnectQuery The session is in the process of connecting. If this state continues, it indicates a problem with the connection.
Shadow The session is in the process of being remotely controlled by another session.
Listen The session is ready to accept a client connection.
Disconnected The user is disconnected from the session, but the session is still attached to the RD Session Host server and can be reconnected to at any time.
Reset The session is in the process of being reset.
Idle The session is initialized and ready to accept a connection. To optimize the performance of a server, two default (idle) sessions are initialized before any client connections are made.
Down The session failed to initialize correctly or could not be terminated, and is not available. If this state continues, it indicates a problem with the connection of the session.
Init The session is in the process of initializing.
Disconnect a User from a Session

You can disconnect a user from a session in Remote Desktop Services Sessions Manager by using the Disconnect Session action.

To disconnect the user from the session right-click the user session, and then click Disconnect Session.

Additional considerations:
  • You can always disconnect from your own sessions if you are logged on with the same user account.
  • To disconnect another user from a session, you must have Full Control permission or Disconnect special access permission.
  • All processes running in the session, including applications, will continue to run even after you disconnect the session.
Log Off a User from a Session

You can log off a user from a session in Remote Desktop Services Sessions Manager by using the Logoff Session action.

To log off a user from the session right-click the user session that you want to log off, and then click Logoff Session.

Additional considerations:
  • You can always log off from your own sessions if you are logged on with the same user account.
  • To log off another user from a session, you must have Full Control permission.
  • Logging off a user from a session without warning can result in loss of data on the user's session. You should send a message to the user to warn the user before taking this action.
  • When you log off a user from a session, all processes end, and the session is deleted from the RD Session Host server.
Send a Message to a User

You can send a message to a user session in Remote Desktop Services Sessions Manager by using the Send Message action.

To send a message to a user from the session right-click the user session and then click Send Message. In the Send Message dialog box, type the message that you want to send to the user. To start a new line in the message, press Ctrl+Enter.

Additional considerations:
  • You must have Message special access permission to send a message to a user.
  • You can send messages only to users whose sessions are in the active or connected state.
  • You can send messages to notify users of impending disconnection, server status, or other system information.

If you receive an "Access Denied" error when you attempt to add a remote server to the list, check the value of HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\AllowRemoteRPC. It is set to 0 by default on workstation OSes and needs to be set to 1.

APPLIES TO: SmartCode VNC Manager v6.5.3 or newer